Manage complexity. Create simplicity.

TiroTech is a high tech design and engineering firm specialized in developing custom made software tools and processes to support the development and engineering of prefabricated building systems.
As the building industry moves towards its future, automation and optimization of traditional design and engineering practices is becoming a necessity. We believe that simplicity is a result of managed complexity. That's why Marcus Tullios Tiro is our hero.
Tiro invented the Tironean Shorthand which enables him to write down the spoken word faster. His Master Cicero could make his next steps well-informed and smart by all the information that has been gathered by the Tironean Notes. No wonder we love to work with Visual Programming Methods. Our way to support our clients in making well-informed and smart decisions!

With the help of design tools we are setting up a Mass-Customization process customly to the Clients wishes. Through the exploration and optimization process TiroTech optimize the selected building method into a clear system how to design. However, each building design will be unique and the design decisions made will be executed in an informed and transparent way avoiding costly design drawbacks later in the process.
TiroTech computational engines can combine multiple tailor made design, performance, building regulation and fabrication restrictions from the very early steps of the development process setting a new standard approach of engineering for the AEC industry. Get your platform pre-engineered with the best computational and building design engineers.
Use our Communication Tools to host your building platform design live in the cloud. Web-based configuration tools enable Configure-to-Order processes, that gives the full potential to configure, price and quote (CPQ) every building.
Partners choose TiroTech
for its expertise in:
#ParametricDesign #GenerativeDesign #Modular Design #Pre-fabricated Buildings #Industrialized Buildings #DesignTools #EngineeringsTools #CustomMadeSoftware #Mass-Customization #Mass-Production #DigitalizationOfConstruction #productielijn #prefab #bouwsystemen #product automatisering #proces automatisering #ManageComplexity #CreateSimplicity
We are always looking for enthusiastic people who dare to tackle complex matters and turn it to beautifully shaped simple designs. Swipe through our current available positions!

We're based in Delft's Design & Build Maker Space, a place where craftsmanship and innovation come together in a historic setting.
You can find our office in the heart of Delft. The Maker Space is home to startups developing new materials, architects designing circular buildings, and engineers testing the next generation of smart furniture and construction.